Thursday, October 31, 2019


He is a thief
of unparalleled skill
stole the ground beneath my feet
and hasn't returned it still.

© Utsa Seth, 2019

In... Out...

I'm NOT angry,
I'm only lost
both in my laughter
and in my silence,
removed from this place inside me
where frequencies matched,
removed from my tears
and floods and surges
from myself.

So, I meander,
I follow breadcrumbs
only to be eaten
by the crows.
I saunter,
with my chin up,
into the mouth of the beast
and wail
when it shuts it's teeth.

My compass magnetised
my reasoning traumatised
and through my days
I wander,
I ponder,
and then I wonder
what's gotten under my feet
what's gotten into me
that's chewing,
it's digging, it's clawing
and I'm caving, in.

Bargaining peace,
with the
click click of pens,
tick tock of clocks,
the 'are you okays',
'why can't you stays',
and 'things aren't the sames'.

But I sustain
I move, I push, I shove
and it never seems enough
but I do, and it's tough
but I do...

© Utsa Seth, 2019

The Sailor

It's those small spaces
between our feet and our fingers
that are filled with oceans
the waves,
always take you away.

© Utsa Seth, 2019

Only Enlightenment

My problem is like
a lightning struck sky
filled with heavy rain clouds.
but unsolved.

© Utsa Seth, 2019

Friday, October 18, 2019

Perfect Pace

My lethargy starts off transparent,
hidden and invisible,
but with every poke,
every persistent peek
it begins to possess a prominence
that is impossible to ignore.
Over time it portrays 

its true colors
staining my personality
with a stubborn permanence.
With every push
it only pulls me in deeper
until it peaks, prevails,
it triumphs the periphery
and penetrates the core.
No matter is pressing enough
to pursue,
so I place myself
in a comfortable position
and press play
because sometimes
that's okay.

© Utsa Seth, 2019

Knock Knock

Do you hear it?
a soft pounding
a dubious belabouring
at your door?
It was expected to be
and behind the door
is what you want to see
so obviously,
you won't lie to me
but you are lying
to yourself.

Fear doesn't knock at doors
it knocks at the brain
but brains can be treated.

It is history
which knocks today
and the fragile heart
is only broken
by the hammering
of its own expectations.

Pandora's box
doesn't open
and it keeps the hope in,
but I have nothing
to keep the suffering out
and hearts, cheated
can not be treated,
so don't open that door.

© Utsa Seth, 2019