Sunday, May 2, 2021

i had two things to say


— i want you
to know
that i deal
myself a new hand
from a deck
with some cards
— missing. you
don't see them
but i call them
— yours.
stare at
— tired of asking
where they went.
if there was a thief,
if there was another me,
— my love,
love lost.
but mostly
— i ask again
so we don't have
to play
with my incomplete
— ...

— every time?
— every time.


1 comment:

  1. A carefully crafted poem. It's a touching depiction of another human anguish, or rather a search that runs through life. If we are patient with life that incompleteness will be filled in a srange fashion as usual of God's play.

    Beautiful Utsa. Keep writing

    Joyson C. J
